Homeopathy medicines are effective in many functional and pathological disorders. Find out if homeopathy can help you and what medicines are known to be effective in various diseases.
Here is an alphabetical index of (more than 150) various diseases, disorders, syndromes and affections. Click on any link to find information about the disease cause, signs, symptoms, homeopathic prognosis and medicines, conventional treatment, general management etc.
What are Homeopathics?
Homeopathic remedies (also called homeopathics) are a system of medicine based on three principles:
- Like cures like
For example, if the symptoms of your cold are similar to poisoning by mercury, then mercury would be your homeopathic remedy. - Minimal DoseThe remedy is taken in an extremely dilute form; normally one part of the remedy to around 1,000,000,000,000 parts of water.
- The Single RemedyNo matter how many symptoms are experienced, only one remedy is taken, and that remedy will be aimed at all those symptoms.
Similar principals forms the basis of conventional allergy treatment, where the allergic substance is given in a small dose, and in vaccines where an impotent form of the virus is given to bolster the immune system against that particular virus.
Why use Homeopathics?
Homeopathy is the second most widely used system of medicine in the world. Its growth in popularity in the United States has been around 25 to 50 percent a year throughout the last decade.
This success is fueled by several factors:
- Homeopathy is extremely effective. When the correct remedy is taken, results can be rapid, complete and permanent.
- Homeopathy is completely safe. Even babies and pregnant women can use Homeopathy without the danger of side effects. Homeopathic remedies can also be taken alongside other medication without producing unwanted side effects.
- Homeopathy is natural. Homeopathic remedies are normally based on natural ingredients.
- Homeopathy works in harmony with your immune system, unlike some conventional medicines which suppress the immune system. (For example, cough medicines suppress the cough reflex, which is your body's attempt to clear the lungs)
- Homeopathic remedies are not addictive - once relief is felt, you should stop taking them. If no relief is felt, you are probably taking the wrong homeopathic remedy.
- Homeopathy is holistic. It treats all the symptoms as one, which in practical terms means that it addresses the cause, not the symptoms. This often means that symptoms tackled with Homeopathy do not recur.
But there is a catch...
Every silver lining has a cloud, and there are two main barriers to the effective use of homeopathy:
- Prescribing the right homeopathic remedy takes a little more time and patience than conventional medicine. Exactly the right remedy needs to be taken for your symptoms. There is no such thing as a standard homeopathic headache remedy (though, sadly that doesn't mean no such product is sold...).
The remedy you take has to be matched to your particular headache - where it occurs, what brings it on, what type of pain it is, what aggravates it, what makes it feel worse, your state of mind and what other symptoms you experience. - The sheer range of remedies in use can cause practical problems for an average sized pharmacy. If the right remedy is not one of 30 or so commonly used remedies, they can be difficult to obtain.
And so...
- We built a remedy finder. Type in your symptoms in plain English, answer a few questions and the homeopathic remedy finder will help you to work out exactly which remedy you need to take.
- We opened a remedy shop to sell an extensive range of homeopathics. You can search by the name of the remedy, or a few letters of the name. Easier still, you can put remedies in your basket directly from the homeopathic remedy finder.
(Cellulitis, Tooth Abscess, Peritonsillar abscess, Skin abscess Treatment)
An abcess is a localized collection of pus in any part of the body, caused by an infection.An abscess is a tender, easily pressed mass generally surrounded by a colored area from pink to deep red. The middle of an abscess is full of pus and debris.Painful and warm to touch, abscesses can show up any place on your body. The most common sites are in your armpits (axillae), areas around your anus and vagina (Bartholin gland abscess), the base of your spine (pilonidal abscess), around a tooth (dental abscess), and in your groin. Inflammation around a hair follicle can also lead to the formation of an abscess, which is called a boil (furuncle).Tooth Abscess
A tooth abscess is pus enclosed in the tissues of the jaw bone at the root of an infected tooth. Usually the abscess originates from a bacterial infection that has accumulated in the soft pulp of the tooth. Abscesses typically originate from dead pulp tissue, usually caused by untreated tooth decay, cracked teeth or extensive periodontal disease. A failed root canal treatment may also create a similar abscess.
It may also develop from bacteria entering a tooth filling and multiplying. A pus taste may also develop. There are three types of dental abscess. A gingival abscess that involves only the gum tissue, without affecting either the tooth or the periodontal ligament. A periapical abscess starts in the dental pulp. A periodontal abscess begins in the supporting bone and tissue structures of the teeth.
Abcess, Cellulitis Treatment & Homeopathic Remedies
Proper homeopathic treatment can help dry most of th abscesses thus preventing many surgeries, drainage and dental extractions.
#Belladonna [Bell]
Is the remedy most often indicated for the initiatory symptoms of abscess. The parts swell rapidly, become bright red, there is intense throbbing which is painful,pus develops speedily the swelling increases and the redness radiates; here Belladonna is in close relation with Hepar and Mercurius. It comes in earlier than either of these remedies and corresponds more closely to the active, asthenic variety of abscess before pus is matured. In abscesses about the alveolar processes, the so called gum boils, Belladonna is often the first remedy and Mercurius follows here in most cases. In acute glandular abscess Belladonna is often indicated and is a beginning remedy. Chamomilla is not a remedy to suggest itself in abscess, yet has proved valuable in promoting the formation of pus in chronic abscesses where Hepar has failed to act promptly, and in making the pains more bearable.
#Hepar sulphur [Hep]
Is the great homoeopathic remedy for suppurations where the pus is not decomposed. It suits especially lymphatic, phlegmatic individuals. Excessive sensitiveness of the parts is a leading indication. It is further indicated by these symptoms: chilly sensations, throbbing in the parts, or sharp, sticking pains which are worse at night and from If given low in threatening suppuration it will favor the formation of pus. The suppurative process will often be aborted by Hepar if given in the higher potencies. Such abscesses as felon or whitlow generally do well under Hepar. If there be a bruised pain present, sometimes Arnica may do good. There are two other preparations similar to Hepar; calcium sulphide, which is the chemically pure article, has never been proved, hence we must regard it only as b a makeshift for Hepar, and Calcarea sulphurica. The last remedy has been found useful in cases of abscess where the suppuration seems to continue indefinitely. The presence of pus with a vent has been considered a good indication; it comes in after Silicea, and suits painful abscesses about the anus, and is a most useful remedy in gum boils. Dr. W. E. Leonard claims that in the 12x it will abort felons and furuncles.
#Silicea [Sil]
Is the remedy where the suppuration continues and the wound refuses to heal, no matter where the suppurative process is located; the pus is apt to be thin,watery,and the process is sluggish and indolent one. Under Silicea the suppurative process takes on a healthy action , the pus becomes benign, granulation appear. It is then time to stop the remedy, for if it be continued it may undo the good it has done,and another remedy, probably Fluoric acid ,will have to be given. This remedy antidotes the overuse of Silicea. Silicea is usually prescribed after an abscess has been lanced or opened by means of poultice. Warmth is very grateful to the Silicea patient. Fluoric acid has relief from cold. Abscesses having much cellular infiltration in their vicinity call for Silicea. It, too,is a remedy for all fistulous burrowings. In rectal fistula it is very often the remedy; great nervous erethism, if present, is an additional. There is often considerable foetor to the discharge of Silicea cases. Scrofulous and tubercular abscesses especially call for Silicea.
#Mercurius [Merc]
Differing from Belladonna, from Hepar, and especially from Silicea is Mercurius, which is one of our good remedies in abscess. It comes in after Belladonna, when pus has formed. It favors the formation of pus especially in the lower potencies, and is especially indicated in glandular abscesses; the pus is greenish in tint, and quite thin and fluid. There is intense, shining redness with throbbing and stinging pains. It does not follow Silicea well.
From Hepar it is to be distinguished by general symptoms; then, too, the suppurative process is slower, and all the pains are greatly aggravated at night. In abscesses at the roots of the teeth it is one of our best remedies, and it is often efficacious in toothache due to this cause. It will often abort suppuration when used in the highest potencies, as in tonsillitis, where it is a most valuable remedy. It is a remarkable remedy in pyorrhoea and will make extraction of teeth unnecessary.
#Lachesis [Lach]
In low conditions of abscess, when pus in thin, dark, ichorous, and offensive in character, Lachesis may me the remedy. The parts are purplish in appearance. It the remedy for abscess where poisonous matter has been introduced into the system, causing the trouble.
Carbo vegetabilis may also be a remedy in long-lasting, unhealthy suppurative processes which produce a hectic fever. Rhus toxicodendron is another remedy for abscesses of the parotid or axillary glands where there is a discharge of a bloody, serous pus. The evident poisoned condition of the system and tendency of the abscess to take on a carbunculous state will indicate Rhus. With Lachesis the discharge is a thin ichorous pus.
Another remedy in low condition of abscess is Arsenicum; the great debility, the production of watery, ichorous pus, the threatening of gangrene and the intolerable burning pains will call immediate attention to this remedy.
#Sulphur [Sulph]
Is also a remedy which may be used with the greatest benefit in abscesses and suppuration; especially is it useful in chronic cases where the discharge is profuse, accompanied with emaciation and hectic fever. Abscesses in scrofulous persons, where there is a marked psoric taint and a tendency to boils, correspond to Sulphur. The pus is acrid and excoriating. Crops of boils in various parts of the body indicate the remedy well. Lycopodium has also been found useful in boils which are greatly aggravated by poultices.
#Arnica [Arn]
is the remedy where abscesses and boils do not mature; they shrivel up, then another crop comes; Arnica will often develop the abscess, carrying it on to a discharge of the pus and a cure of the trouble. Boils coming in crops call for Arnica; they are very sore, purplish in color; also blood boils which are very sore. Calcarea carbonica, Calcarea iodata (especially in abscess of the cervical glands scrofulous in nature), Asafoetida, Calendula (traumatic suppuration), and a number of other remedies may perchance be indicated in suppuration and abscess. With Calendula the pus is thick and yellow, not attended with active inflammation. The symptoms, unhealthy skin, every little wound or scratch suppurates, are found under Hepar, Silicea, Calcarea carbonica and Graphites. Grauvogl considered Arnica as a remedy to prevent suppuration, and particularly to hinder the absorption of pus and so prevent pyaemia.
#Rhus toxicodendron [Rhus.t]
is a very useful remedy in acute suppuration; especially has it been found useful in suppurative conditions about the eye. It has proved curative in abscesses about the parotid and axillary glands; the pus is bloody and serous, the pain is intense, and the swelling is dark red. Rhus corresponds very closely to septicaemia.
#Echinacea [Echi]
has achieved a well merited reputation in suppurative conditions, especially where symptoms of blood poisoning are present. There is no question as to its efficacy.
#Nitric acid [Nit.ac]
may also come in suppurations about the glands, especially the inguinal or axillary, in syphilitic subjects, and when the discharge is offensive, excoriating and of a dirty, greenish yellow colour. Suppurations is mastoid process. Kali iodatum must also be thought of in syphilitic or scrofulous cases.
Phosphorus is often useful in abscesses about the bones, and here we will find Aurum, Asafoetida, Pulsatilla, Calcarea phosphorica, Calcarea fluorica and Manganum special remedies. Pyrogen according to Dr. W. E. Leonard is invaluable as remedy in recurring abscess conditions. It will clean up the system and prevent a recurrence.
(See also Intermittent and Typhoid Fever.)A rise in the temperature of the body; frequently a symptom of infection. A fever occurs when your temperature rises above its normal range. What's normal for you may be a little higher or lower than the average temperature of 98.6 F. That's why it's hard to say just what a fever is. But a "significant" fever is usually defined as an oral or ear temperature of 102 F or a rectal temperature of 103 F. If you're an adult, a fever may be uncomfortable, but it usually isn't dangerous unless it rises above 103 F. For very young children and infants, however, even slightly elevated temperatures may indicate a serious infection.Homeopathic Remedies & Homeopathy Treatment for Fever
#Aconite. [Acon]
This remedy typifies a synochal sthenic fever, and corresponds to hyperaemia congestion and chill preceding inflammatory fever. Frequent chilliness is common in fevers calling for Aconite. There is redness of the face, great heat and oftentimes an outward pressing headache. A slight degree of delirium does not contra-indicate Aconite. The mental symptoms are all important; there is anxiety, and restlessness from the violent circulatory storm; there is dry skin, violent thirst, full bounding frequent pulse and sweating relieves. If it is brought on by exposure to dry cold winds or chilling of the body after overheat, especially when warm and sweaty it is well indicated. It suits the young and robust and has no relation to the weak and sickly. The never failing characteristics of mental anguish must be present. The attack of fever often terminates with a critical sweat. Veratrum viride. This remedy suits cases similar to Aconite, but it has more arterial excitement and no anxiety.
#Gelsemium. [Gels]
This remedy suits dull, stupid, apathetic conditions. The patient is dizzy and drowsy, the chill is partial; there is a full flowing pulse with an element of weakness in it. It corresponds especially to remittent types of fever and to fevers brought on by warm, relaxing weather. The fever is accompanied by languor, muscular weakness and a desire for absolute rest and is unaccompanied by thirst. Ferrum phosphoricum. This remedy stands midway between Aconite and Gelsemium in febrile conditions, and it may be differentiated from its neighbors by the pulse, which, under Aconite, is full and bounding and under Gelsemium soft and flowing, and by the mental symptoms, Aconite being marked by anxiety and Gelsemium by drowsiness and dullness. Baptisia. Hughes praises this remedy in simple continued fevers, where he believes it is specific. Gastric fever, he claims, will never run into typhoid if treated with this remedy. Pulsatilla has a thirstless fever, hot head, dry lips and chilliness all over, especially in the evening. Chilliness predominates with the remedy, there being but little heat.
#Sulphur. [Sulph]
An excellent fever remedy, it comes in after Aconite when the skin is dry and hot and there is no sweat; the fever seems to burn the patient up,the tongue is dry and red and the patient at first is sleepless and restless, but soon becomes drowsy. There are no blood changes; it is a chronic Aconite or a passive Aconite does to the arteries.
#Belladonna. [Bell]
This remedy is marked by erethism, violent delirium, headache, throbbing carotids and cerebral symptoms. Eyes red and glistering; the skin is hot and burning; the heat seems to steam out from the body; it may be followed by a profuse sweat which brings no relief. The characteristics are briefly: General dry heat with chills, little or no thirst, in fact, the patient may have a dread of water, cool extremities and throbbing headache. The fever is worse at night. The Nux vomica fever is characterized by great heat; the whole body is burning hot, the face is especially red and hot, yet the patient feels chilly when uncovering.
#Bryonia. [Bry]
Suits especially a quite form of fever; true, the patient may be restless and toss about, but is always made worse thereby. There is intense headache, dull, stupefying with a sensation as if the head would burst at the temples; sharp pains over the eyes, faintness on rising up, dry mouth and a tongue coated white in the middle. Cold, chilly sensations predominate in fevers calling for Bryonia, and there is much thirst for large drinks of water at rather infrequent intervals. The fever of Bryonia is unmarked by the violence, acuteness and general storm of Aconite or the decomposition and great debility of the acids. It is neither synochal nor so markedly asthenic in character, it is between the two and is dependent upon local affections, state of stomach, liver, chest, etc.
#Rhus toxicodendron. [Rhus-t]
A form of catarrhal fever, so-called, which is met with frequently calls for Rhus more than for any other remedy. It commences with weakness of the whole body with desire to lie down, soreness or bruised sensations in the limbs, aching of limbs and bones, great pain in back, restlessness, worse while lying still, sickness at the stomach, loss of appetite, repugnance for food, great thirst, dry tongue and mouth. It is useful on that borderland where febrile cases merge into a typhoid condition. Mercurius. Here the fever is characterized by weariness, prostration and trembling. It is slow, lingering fever, generally a gastric or a bilious, remittent fever. It is characterized by the following combination of symptoms which no other drug has: Profuse salivation, dry throat and great thirst for cold water.