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Prices, availability and affordability
of medicines in Pakistan

BHU Basic Health Unit
Cap capsule
CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight 
DHQ District Headquarter Hospitals
DFID Department for International Development, UK 
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GNI Gross National Income 
HAI Health Action International
IB  Innovator Brand
IMF International Monetary Fund
ICT Islamabad Capital Territory
Inh Inhaler
Inj Injection
IQR Interquartile Range
LPG Lowest Priced Generic Equivalent
MPR Median Price Ratio
MSG Most Sold Generic Equivalent
MSH  Management Sciences For Health
NEDL National Essential Drug List
NWFP North West Frontier Province
PKR Pakistani Rupees
PSLM  Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey 
RHC Rural Health Centre
Susp Suspension
Tab Tablet
THQ  Tehsil Headquarter Hospitals
USD United States dollars (also $)
WHO World Health Organization
iiList of Figures
Figure 1.  Administrative map of Pakistan
Figure 2.  Availability of individual medicines in retail pharmacies
Figure 3.  Individual MPRs of surveyed medicines in retail pharmacies
Figure 4. Brand premiums (%) of innovator brand products compared to lowest
price generic equivalent
Figure 5. Typical price components of a locally manufactured generic  
Figure 6. Typical price components of imported medicines
List of Tables
Table 1.  Medicines surveyed in Pakistan
Table 2.  Median availability and interquartile ranges 
Table 3.  Availability of individual medicines
Table 4.  Median MPRs for innovator brands and lowest priced generics in the public
procurement only) and private  sector (patient price only)
Table 5.  Individual Medicine Price ratios for surveyed medicines in public
(procurement only) and private sector
Table 6.  Affordability of standard treatments purchased in private retail pharmacies
by lowest paid unskilled government worker
Table 7.  Comparison of affordability, using innovator brand medicines from private
retail pharmacies for common treatments in different countries
Table 8.  International comparison of prices (expressed as median price ratio) paid
by patients in retail pharmacies in Pakistan and other Asian and Middle
Eastern countries
Table 9.  Price components for the retail price of generic, locally manufactured
Table 11. Rate of violations of maximum retail prices for selected products 
We would like to thank the directors of provincial health departments (Director General
Health) in all four provinces who endorsed our study and we would also like to thank for the
cooperation the executive district officers, medical superintendents, pharmacists or medical
officers in charge of medicine supplies in public health facilities we visited during data
collection.   Similarly we thank the proprietors, pharmacists and retail store salespersons at
the private retail outlets that agreed to participate in the survey. 
Without the guidance and technical advice of the following individuals, the survey
would not have been possible:
• Ms. Margaret Ewen of Health Action International Europe, Amsterdam
• Dr. Richard Laing of Department of Medicines Policy and Standards, World Health
Organization, Geneva
• Dr Zafar Mirza, (Ex Executive Coordinator of The Network for Consumer Protection,)
presently of East Mediterranean Regional Office, World Health Organization, Cairo
• Dr Klara Tisocki, Pharmaceutical Consultant, Kuwait
We owe gratitude to HAI and WHO for all the technical support. HAI/WHO and Department
for International Development – UK provided funds for this study.  
Conflict of Interest Statement
The survey has been conducted with technical support from WHO / HAI and funding support
from Department for International Development – UK.
None of the authors of this survey or anyone who had influence on the conduct, analysis or
interpretation of the results has any competing financial or other interests, apart from
academic, in the study.
ivExecutive summary
Background: A survey of the availability and prices of 29 medicines was undertaken
in the public and private sector pharmacies in Pakistan in 2004 using the HAI/WHO
medicines price survey methodology. 
Methods: Public procurement prices were obtained from two Provincial Medical
Stores. Availability of surveyed medicines was measured in 30 public health facilities.
Both availability and prices were measured in 48 private retail pharmacies. For each
medicine data was collected for the innovator brand (IB) and lowest priced generic
equivalent (LPG; generic product with the lowest price at each facility).
Results: Public health facilities had extremely low median availability of generic
medicines (3.3%). Innovator brands were more likely to be found in private retail
pharmacies than generics (IB 54.2%, LPG 31.3%). 
The public procurement median price ratio (MPR) to MSH reference prices was 2.24
for IB and 0.57 for generic equivalents; in the private pharmacies, the median MPRs
for IB and LPG were 3.36 and 2.26, respectively. In private pharmacies, IB salbutamol
inhaler had the lowest MPR (0.72) whereas IB ciprofloxacin had the highest MPR of
26.2.  Brand premium compared to LPG
price  varied widely between 0 and 600%. 
The lowest paid government worker would
need between 0.2 and 23.7 days’ pay to
afford the standard treatments (for
example using innovator brand omeprazole
for duodenal ulcer 23.7 day’s wage,
atenolol for hypertension 2.9 day’s wage
and cotrimoxazole for paediatric respiratory
infection 0.4 day’s wage) from private
Adherence to regulated maximum prices
was high, however evidence of
overpricing was found in several cases.
Private pharmacy medicines prices included a total cumulative mark-up of about 25%
for locally produced generics. 
Conclusions: Public sector procurement procedures in Pakistan can achieve lower
prices than international reference prices, but chronic shortages and lack of basic
essential medicines in the public sector facilities is a major barrier to access. Limited
availability of low priced generics for certain disease in private pharmacies means
some medicines would be unaffordable to low income segment of the society and
generally they are unaffordable the poor living below the poverty line. 
Recommendations: Multi-faceted interventions are needed to improve medicine
availability in the public sector and reduce inequity in access to basic medical
treatments especially for the rural poor. Review and refocusing of policies,
regulations and educational interventions are needed to improve affordability,
availability and acceptability of low cost, good quality medicines in the private sector.
Key findings:
• Public procurement of medicines is efficient
in getting low priced medicines but
inadequate in supplying needed quantities in
government health facilities.
• Prices of medicines in private pharmacies in
Pakistan are generally lower than in other
developing countries, but higher than in
• Certain medicines are unaffordable to the
poor and comprehensive interventions are
needed to reduce inequity in access to basic
medical treatments for a large part of the
1Introduction and background
The Network for Consumer Protection has conducted a nationwide study on prices,
availability and affordability of essential medicines in Pakistan in 2004. 
The main goal of the study was to document and compare the prices of medicines in
the public and private health sector and to compare them with those in other
This study was conducted based on the standardized methodology developed by the
World Health Organization (WHO) and Health Action International (HAI) that was
developed to conduct similar surveys in different countries that would allow valid
international comparisons. The WHO/HAI methodology is described in the manual
“Medicine Prices: A new approach to measurement” (WHO/HAI, 2003) and is
accessible on the website of HAI: 
The main objectives of our study were to answer the following questions:
• What is the availability of innovator brand products and generic equivalents of
selected essential medicines in public and private health sectors? 
• What is the difference in the prices of innovator brand products and generic
equivalents in the private sector? 
• How affordable are medicines for treatment of common conditions for people
with low income in Pakistan?
• What pricing policies, mechanisms  and tariffs exist for medicines in Pakistan?
• How do prices of medicines in Pakistan compare to the same products in other
This study was carried out by The Network for Consumer Protection with the support
of Health Action International and Department for International Development-UK. 
Country background
Pakistan is the sixth most populous country in the world with a currently estimated
population of approximately 158 million people
, 66% of whom live in rural areas
(PDS 2003 
). Pakistan is administratively divided into four provinces (see Figure 1.),
namely, Punjab, Sindh, North West Frontier Province (NWFP) and Balochistan. The
population of Pakistan is unevenly distributed with 78.6% of the population is
clustered in the eastern provinces of Punjab and Sindh. Balochistan though it is the
largest province with about 44% t of total land area of the country, it has only 5% of
the population (PDS 2003).
 Population  Census Organization,
 Pakistan Demographic Survey 2003,
2Figure 1.  Administrative map of Pakistan
Economic, Social & Health Indicators
In recent years Pakistan has experienced some robust economic growth achieving
8.4%, GDP growth in 2005, which was the highest in the last two decades. Though
the GNI per capita on Pakistan is higher than other low income countries (US$ 690 in
2005), still approximately one third (29.2 %)
 of the population or about 45 million
people live below the official national poverty line.  Poverty varies significantly among
rural (34%)  and urban areas (19.1%)  and from province to province, for example
from 24% percent in urban Sindh to 51% percent in rural Sindh, with pockets of
extreme poverty in some places..  
Socioeconomic development in Pakistan in overall is low, with low levels of literacy
i.e. 50% national adult literacy rate in 2005. Literacy is particularly low among
women and in rural areas, for example 86% of women above the age of 15 was
illiterate in Balochistan according to the “Pakistan social and living standards
measurement survey” (2004-05)
.  The same survey found that the majority of the
population (61%) has no access to good quality potable water and again  this
problem being more severe in rural areas where only 23% of people has access to
tap water. About 19 % of the population is malnourished and 30 % of children under
age of five are malnourished. This means that the poor and rural inhabitants of
Pakistan are still being left behind with respect to socioeconomic development. 
 World Bank Estimate
 PSLM 2004 2005  
3Communicable diseases are the most prevalent and leading causes of sickness and
death include gastroenteritis, respiratory infections, congenital abnormalities,
tuberculosis, malaria, and typhoid fever.
Structure of health sector
Since Pakistan has a federal political system, health care provision is decentralized
and is primarily the responsibility of the provincial governments.  The Federal
Ministry of Health is responsible for  national policy, planning, coordination and the
implementation of the six national health programs on family planning,
immunization, HIV/AIDS; tuberculosis, malaria and nutrition. The public health sector
facilities providing services at provincial and district levels are categorized as:
• Primary level health care facilities – Basic Health Units, Rural Health
Centers, Mother & Child Health Centres, TB Clinics and dispensaries.
• Secondary level health care facilities – Tehsil Headquarter hospitals and
district headquarter hospitals
• Tertiary level health care facilities (Autonomous bodies) - Tertiary
hospitals, Post Graduate Medical Institutes, Teaching Hospitals.
Public heath sector expenditure by the government is low (2.4% of GDP in 2003)
and chronic shortages of trained staff, essential drugs, medical and other supplies is
common in all government health facilities.  As a result patients frequently have to
seek medical care in the private health sector, demonstrated by the fact that 70% of
total health care cost is out-of-pocket expenditure in Pakistan
.  Private sector health
care facilities are concentrated in main urban areas and can be difficult to access and
afford for the rural poor.  
Patients increasingly turn to seek health care in the private health sector or
alternative sources (herbalists, hakeems) as observed in the latest Pakistan Social
and Living Standards Measurement Survey (PSLM)
 2004-2005. For example in
2004-2004, government hospitals/dispensaries were consulted in case of childhood
diarrhea only 15% of cases in rural Pakistan compared to 25% of cases in 1998-1999
and in urban Sindh 79% patient looked for care in private facilities in case of sickness
or injury. 
Pharmaceutical sector
The National Drug Policy
, 1997, promotes the essential drug concept and the use of
the National Essential Drug List
 (NEDL), 2003, for example by mandating all
government and semi-government health institutions to conduct bulk procurement in
accordance with NEDL.  However, there is poor adherence to this list in the actual
provincial or district procurement practice. 
Pakistan has a rapidly growing pharmaceutical industry with  a market value of
approx. US$ 1.72 billion consisted of nearly 400 local  manufacturing companies
 Country Profile, Pakistan, WHO,
 PSLM 2004 2005  
 National Drug Policy, Ministry of Health   
 National Essential Drug List of Pakistan, 2003
4including 30 multinationals, which are meeting around 95% of the country’s
pharmaceutical requirements. Pakistan also exports pharmaceutical regionally and
world-wide.  The number of currently registered pharmaceutical formulations exceeds
Medicine prices and regulations
Pakistan has medicine pricing policy and pricing regulations.  The Price Review
Committee, a subcommittee of the Drug Registration Boar formed under the Drug
Act 1976 sets the maximum wholesale and retail price for each product. The
maximum retail price is printed on the individual medicine package.  The system of
pricing of medicines was been changed in 1993 when all drugs have been divided
into two categories of controlled and decontrolled drugs with regard to pricing. About
800 medicines that have been considered essential for this purpose have been
placed on the controlled list. Periodic across-the-board price increases on account of
the general rate of inflation and changes in the exchange rate of the rupee, etc. is
applied for these 800 controlled medicines.  In case of decontrolled category, a more
liberal system is in operation through which higher price increases are allowed at
regular intervals compared to the controlled category of drugs
The Drug Control Organization though uses inspectors to visit facilities involved in
production, distribution and sale and dispensing of medicines to ensure adherence to
relevant regulations regarding drug price controls does not have sufficient capacity to
regularly and comprehensively monitor adherence to price controls. 
Access to medicines – cost considerations
It is well-known that chronic shortages and non-availability of essential medicines is
prevalent in government health facilities in Pakistan. This is partly the reasons why
most patient, 67%, consult a private physician or would seek treatment almost three
times more often from a private pharmacy rather than from an basic health unit or
rural health center (PSLM 2004-2005).  Physicians have dispensing rights and it is a
very common practice that patients receive their medicines from their dispensing
physician as part of the consultation instead of filling a prescription in the pharmacy.
The physician usually charges a global fee for the consultation including
dispensed/administered medications and there is no transparency (no separate
billing) on what patients pay for their medicines to their doctors. 
Very small proportion of the population has access to any form of health insurance
that covers medicine costs and therefore it is evident that most expenditure is out-of
pocket payment for medicines.  This can often mean no or very limited access to
basic essential treatments for the approx. 45 million people (29% of population of
Pakistan) who live below the national poverty line. 
 Booklet of Drug Controles Organization
This survey of the prices, availability and affordability of medicines in the public and
private sector of Pakistan was conducted using the WHO/HAI methodology
(WHO/HAI 2003).  A total of 29 medicines were sampled – all from the WHO/HAI
core list and prices and/or availability data was collected in three sectors:
1. Public Procurement sector
2. Public sector
3. Private sector
For each selected medicine in the specific dosage form, with a predetermined
strength, up to three products were monitored, namely:
 Innovator brand (IB) - the original patented pharmaceutical product
 Most sold generic equivalent - the one with the highest private sector sales on a
national basis
 Lowest price generic equivalent (LPG) - the lowest priced in the facility at the time
of survey
Although the WHO/HAI 2003 methodology  required data collection on the “Most
sold generic equivalent” (MSG) – the one with the highest sales on a national basis it
was difficult to obtain this information on national sales of different brands of
generics in Pakistan and as result there was no pre-determined most sold generic
name included in data collection form.  Consequently most of the time when data
collector filled this row the data in the most sold generic row and the lowest price
generic row was identical.
Due to similar difficulties in other countries the WHO/HAI methodology was updated
as well to determine only the prices of innovator brand and the lowest priced generic
equivalent only
. Therefore this report is presenting results only on these two types
of prices. 
Public sector procurement prices were obtained centrally from two provinces NWFP
and Sindh, from the provincial health departments
 and public sector
pharmacies/stores were visited to verify these prices and check availability of
surveyed medicines.  Dispensaries in government health facilities were only surveyed
for the availability of the selected medicines since patients do not pay directly for
medicines in public health sector facilities.
Private sector pharmacies were surveyed on both availability and the price of the
medicine which the patient would pay. An analysis of price components was also
conducted for 12 medicines. 
All prices were converted to US dollars using the exchange rate (buying rate) on 3
July 2004, the first day of the survey, i.e. 1 USD = PKR 60.5. 
Finally, in order to find out how affordable common treatments are we expressed
affordability as the cost of therapy the compared measured in the daily wage of the
lowest paid government worker. The salary of the lowest paid government worker
was 1870 Pakistani Rupees/month in 2004. 
 The other two provinces i.e. Punjab and Balochistan refused to provide procurement prices. 
6Medicine Selection 
All surveyed medicines were included in the WHO/HAI core list only artesunate was
removed as sulfadoxine+pyrimethamine is still the most commonly used antimalarial
agent in Pakistan.  Most of the selected medicines were also included in the National
Essential Drug List of Pakistan.  No other medicines with different active ingredients
were added, however the strength of some of selected medicines were different from
those on the NEDL (see table 1). Table 1. shows the medicines surveyed, their status
in the NEDL and the level of availability as recommended by the NEDL.  
Table 1.  Medicines surveyed in Pakistan
Strength/ Included in To be used at health service level
Generic name dosage form NEDL Primary Secondary Tertiary
1 Aciclovir 200mg tablet   no no 
2 Amitriptyline  25mg tablet   no  
3 Amoxicillin  250mg capsule/tablet    
4 Atenolol  50mg tablet  no  
5 Beclometasone  50 mcg/dose
 a  no  
6 Captopril   25mg tablet  no no 
7 Carbamazepine  200mg tablet    
8 Ceftriaxone  1g injection  no no 
9 Ciprofloxacin  500mg tablet 
b    
10 Cotrimoxazole 8+40mg/ml suspension    
11 Diazepam  5mg tablet  no  
12 Diclofenac  25mg tablet 
c  no no 
13 Fluconazole 200mg tablet  no no no no
14 Fluoxetine  20mg capsule tablet  no  
15 Fluphenazine 25 mg/ml injection  no  
16 Glibenclamide   5mg tablet    
17 Hydrochlorothiazide  25mg tablet 
d  no  
18 Indinavir 400mg capsule  no no #
19 Losartan   50mg tablet 
e   
20 Lovastatin 20mg tablet  no no no no
21 Metformin   500mg tablet    
22 Nevirapine  200mg tablet  no no #
23 Nifedipine retard 20mg tablet no no no no
24 Omeprazole   20mg capsule    
25 Phenytoin  100mg tablet     
25+500mg tablet    
27 Ranitidine  150mg tablet no no no no
28 Salbutamol  100mcg/dose inhaler    
29 Zidovudine  100mg capsule  no no #
NEDL contains:  
 only 250mcg/dose; 
 only 250mg tab; 
 only as 25mg/ml injection, 

only as 50mg
 only 25 mg tab, #Specialized Centers only
The drug pricing survey was conducted at national level in the four provinces of
North Western Frontier Province (NWFP), Balochistan, Sindh and Punjab as well as in
the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT).
All the four provincial capitals and one other district were surveyed from each
province (except for ICT, which was taken as a separate entity). These districts were
chosen randomly from a list of districts that can be reached in one day from the
provincial capitals. Provincial capitals and randomly selected districts included:
 Islamabad (ICT)
o District Peshawar (Provincial capital)
o District Kohat
 Balochistan
o District Quetta (Provincial capital)
o District Pishin
 Sindh
o District Karachi (Provincial capital)
o District Hyderabad
 Punjab
o District Lahore (Provincial capital)
o District Chakwal
A total of nine districts were selected in all four provinces, including federal capital,
provincial capitals. Districts are the next tier of the administrative units after
provinces in Pakistan, which are further administrated through Tehsils
Selection of public health facilities / private retail pharmacies 
The following strategy was used to select health facilities/pharmacies included in the
Public sector (total 30 facilities):  
• Four District Headquarter Hospitals (DHQ) in 4 randomly selected districts 
• Two secondary level public pharmacies at Tehsil Headquarter Hospitals (THQ)
in 2 randomly selected districts 
• At least 4-6 primary level public pharmacies located at Rural Health
Centres/Basic Health Units (RHC/BHU) in four districts where the DHQ was
selected for data collection.
   Private sector pharmacies    (total 48 pharmacies):
• Three private pharmacies located close to the district headquarter hospital
(DHQ) hospital in selected districts.
• Three tertiary level private retail pharmacies close to the tertiary hospital in
ICT/provincial capitals.
• Two private pharmacies located close to THQ hospitals (where available)
• One private pharmacy located close to RHCs/BHUs (where available)
 A tehsil is typically part of a larger District and as an entity of local government, tehsils have fiscal and
administrative powers roughly equivalent to the division of counties found in many non-Asian countries. A tehsil
usually contains villages and/or municipalities.
8Figure 2.   Geographic distribution of selected health facilities 
Data Collection
Field visits were conducted in July – September 2004. NWFP, ICT and Punjab were
covered in the first phase and Sindh and Balochistan were visited in the second
phase. Endorsement letters were sent to provincial health departments (Director
General Health) and the chief executives of all tertiary hospitals regarding the
survey.  Central provincial lists of medicines available were checked for procurement
prices, in NWFP and Sindh.  Survey teams visited Executive District Officer (EDO) and
collected information on prices and procurement. Data were collected from the
autonomous tertiary care hospitals in provincial capitals, while private pharmacies
data collected as well. Data collection in each district took 3-5 days, depending on
the distances covered.
Data analysis
Price data obtained at health facilities was entered as unit price into the preprogrammed MS Excel workbook provided by the WHO/HAI methodology
Data entry was checked using the double entry into a MS Excel spreadsheet provided
by HAI/WHO. The pre-programmed workbook automatically calculated availability,
median price ratios along with the interquartile range and affordability. Comparisons
of innovator brand and generic medicine prices and investigation of compliance with
pricing regulations were determined separately also using Microsoft Excel. 
The computerized workbook uses the US$ as the currency for recording reference
prices. The Pakistan Rupees exchange rate for the US$ prevailing on 3 July, 2004
(first day of data collection) was US$ = PKR 60.5 based on ABN-AMRO-Islamabad
bank rate. 
Medicines needed to be found in at least 4 pharmacies for their price data to be
included in the analysis to allow for robust determination of median price ratios,
except for procurement prices where a single data point was accepted.
Islamabad NWFP Balochistan Punjab
3 RHC, 2 BHU
6 retail pharmacies
District Peshawar
1 DHQ,  1 THQ
4 RHC, 2 BHU
retail pharmaci 6es
District Quetta
retail pharmacies 4
District Lahore 
1 DHQ, 4 RHC
retail pharmacies 6
District Karachi
6 retail pharmacies
District Kohat 
RHC, 1 BHU 4
retail pharmacies 6
District Pishin
 retail 2
District Chakwal 
1 DHQ, 1 THQ
 ,RHC 4
retail pharmacies 6
 retail 6
9Presentation of results
The data from the survey are not presented in actual currency units but, rather,
results are expressed as median price ratios (MPRs) calculated using international
reference prices. Reference prices are internationally available lists of prices against
which the local prices are compared by means of a ratio where:
Medicine Price Ratio (MPR) =                           median local unit price                          
median international reference unit price.
The ratio is thus an expression of how much greater or less the local medicine price
is than the international reference price e.g. an MPR of 2 would mean that the local
medicine price is twice that of the international reference price. Median price ratios
facilitate cross-country comparisons of medicine price surveys. 
The reference prices used were the Management Sciences for Health (MSH)
reference prices, taken from the International Drug Price Indicator Guide (2003).
These reference prices are the medians of recent procurement or tender prices
offered by for-profit and not-for-profit suppliers to international not-for-profit
agencies for generic products. These agencies typically do not sell the medicines to
individual pharmacies or consumers but sell or donate in bulk quantity to
governments or large NGOs. The MSH reference prices are therefore relatively low
and represent efficient bulk procurement without the costs of shipping or insurance.
Interpreting the MPR
Until more information is gathered through similar studies in other countries, there
are no hard and fast rules in the interpretation of MPRs since factors such as market
size and penetration, competition and therapeutic alternatives, consumption,
economies of scale, national wealth and wealth distribution, health system structure
and accessibility, distribution and storage charges, local taxation and regulation need
to be considered. However, when taking into account economic indicators and the
fact that Pakistan has significant local manufacturing capacity, i.e. most multinational
original brand and generic finished products are manufactured in the country, we
considered local prices as acceptable when: 
• MPR  ≤ 1 in case of public sector procurement prices
• MPR  ≤ 2.5 in case of retail pharmacy prices
10Results and Discussions
Results are presented in the following order:
1. Availability of medicines in the public and private sectors
2. Median medicine price ratios for innovator brand and lowest priced generics in
the public and private  sector 
3. Brand premium of innovator brands compared to generic equivalents
4. The affordability of standard treatment regimens
5. Comparison of medicines prices in Pakistan to other countries
6. Price composition of medicine prices
7. Compliance with pricing regulations
1. Availability of medicines in the public and the private sector
It must be kept in mind that the availability data only refers to the day of data
collection at each particular facility and may not reflect average monthly or yearly
availability of medicines at individual facilities.   Overall public sector availability was
very low while private sector availability was relatively higher for the surveyed
medicines (see Table 2).  None of the antiretrovirals were found in either public
sector facilities or in retail pharmacies.
Table 2.  Median availability and interquartile ranges (n=29 medicines)
Public sector Private sector
Lowest Price
Lowest Price
Median availability 0% 3.3% 54.2% 31.3%
25%ile availability 0% 0% 14.6% 6.3%
75%ile availability 0% 33.3% 83.3% 50.0%
Public sector availability 
No innovator brand products were found in public sector facilities visited. Availability
of generic equivalents for the 29 surveyed medicines in public sector facilities was
extremely low with a median percent availability of 3.3%.  If we excluded the
medicines that are not on the NEDL i.e. fluconazole, lovastatin, nifedipine, ranitidine,
and the antiretrovirals indinavir, nevirapine and zidovudine which are available only
in specialized public health centers
  median percent availability is still only a very
low 15.5% for the remaining 22 essential medicines. 
None of the essential medicines that are supposed to be present at all primary,
secondary and tertiary health facilities according to the NEDL had a desirable level of
above 80% availability and only six of them had an acceptable, between 50-79%
availability (i.e. at least every other facility had the medicine) namely metformin
(73.3%), amoxicillin (66.7%), atenolol (66.7%) diazepam (60%), captopril (56.7%)
and ciprofloxacin (50%). 
 The National Aids Control Program maintains a stock of ARVs for registered patients visiting special units in
designated tertiary level hospitals in the federal as well as provincial capitals. The program is operated vertically
for control, diagnosis and treatment of AIDS. Therefore even if the visited health facilities did have ARVs they
would not be on the stock of the main store and therefore would not appear in the survey.
11Some other important essential medicines that should be available universally at all
levels of care according to the NEDL, had very low or non-availability like
sulfadoxine+pyrimethamine (3.3%), salbutamol inhaler (3.3%) while no
carbamezapine or phenytoin was found in any of the public health facilities visited.   
Private sector availability
Overall private sector availability of the selected 29 medicines in retail pharmacies
was satisfactory, with 54.2% median percent availability in case of innovator brands
but relatively low 31.3% median percent availability for generic equivalents.  
Frequently brand products were much more widely available in retail pharmacies
then generic equivalents. For example IB diclofenac was found 2.6 times, IB
nifedipine 9.3 times and sulfadoxine+pyrimethamine 2.3 more often as their
respective generic equivalents. This trend of brand product dominance in retail
pharmacies illustrated in Figure 2., where frequently a large gap between brand and
lowest price generic availability can be observed. Several factors may contribute to
this phenomenon, i.e. patient demand, prescribing patterns favouring innovator
brands possibly associated with local marketing practices of manufacturers, higher
profit margins for retail pharmacists, suspicion/mistrust of quality of generics  or lack
of knowledge of generics, etc..
Low availability of certain medicines in both public and private sector (Table 3.) was
also possibly due to low demand like in case of antiretrovirals because of low
prevalence of the disease in the country or due to the local prescribing habits as in
case of hydrochlorothiazide and fluconazole.
Figure 2. Availability of individual medicines in retail pharmacies
Salbutamol inhaler
Ceftriaxone injection
Nifedipine Retard
Fluphenazine injection
Co-trimoxazole suspension
Beclometasone inhaler
Innovator brand
Lowest price generic
12Table 3.  Availability of individual medicines 
Innovator Brand Lowest Price Generic
Medicine Name
Aciclovir 200mg tab Nil 8.3% 3.3% 10.4%
Amitriptyline 25mg tab Nil 14.6% 26.7% 2.1%
Amoxicillin 250mg tab/cap Nil 95.8% 66.7% 83.3%
Atenolol 50mg tab Nil 85.4% 66.7% 58.3%
Beclometasone inhaler
50mcg/dose Nil 20.8% Nil Nil
Captopril 25mg tab Nil 77.1% 56.7% 50.0%
Carbamazepine 200mg tab Nil 85.4% Nil 33.3%
Ceftriaxone 1g injection Nil 64.6% 16.7% 54.2%
Ciprofloxacin 500mg tab Nil 64.6% 50.0% 66.7%
Co-trimoxazole 8+40mg
suspension  Nil 33.3% 30.0% 81.3%
Diazepam 5mg tab Nil 64.6% 60.0% 31.3%
Diclofenac 25mg tab Nil 81.3% 33.3% 31.3%
Fluconazole 200mg tab Nil 4.2% 3.3% 4.2%
Fluoxetine 20mg cap/tab Nil 29.2% 6.7% 58.3%
Fluphenazine 25mg/ml injection  Nil 52.1% 3.3% 8.3%
Glibenclamide 5mg tab Nil 95.8% 40.0% 50.0%
Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg tab Nil Nil Nil Nil
Indinavir 400mg cap Nil Nil Nil Nil
Losartan 50mg tab Nil 39.6% Nil 12.5%
Lovastatin 20mg tab Nil 29.2% Nil 12.5%
Metformin 500mg tab Nil 83.3% 73.3% 43.8%
Nevirapine 200mg tab Nil Nil Nil Nil
Nifedipine Retard 20mg tab Nil 58.3% Nil 6.3%
Omeprazole 20mg cap Nil 54.2% 13.3% 70.8%
Phenytoin 100mg tab Nil Nil Nil 10.4%
Ranitidine 150mg tab Nil 93.8% 3.3% 50.0%
Salbutamol 100mcg/dose inhaler Nil 89.6% 3.3% 12.5%
25+500mg tab Nil 93.8% 3.3% 41.7%
Zidovudine 100mg cap Nil Nil Nil Nil
2. Median medicine price ratios for innovator brand and lowest
priced generics in the public and private sector 
Results are presented as the median price ratio (MPR) of the local price compared
with the international reference price e.g. a MPR of 2 would indicate that the local
price is two times greater than the international reference price. When using the
MSH 2003 reference prices, for procurement prices a MPR of less than 1 would
indicate efficient procurement achieving internationally competitive prices whereas
for retail prices a MPR of greater than 2.5 might indicate excessive medicine prices.
Medians of individual median medicine price ratios in sectors are shown in Table 4.
and individual Medicine Price Ratios are shown in Table 5. 
13Table  4. Median MPRs for innovator brands and lowest priced generics in
the public (procurement only) and private  sector (patient price only) 
Median Price Ratio (MPR) to Reference
Price (MSH, 2003)
Type and No. of
Median MPR
(25% - 75% IQR)
MSH, 2003
2.24  (1.60 – 2.87) 0.96 3.51
Lowest priced
Generic (n=14)
0.57 (0.38 – 0.74) 0.24 1.04
3.36 (2.20 – 5.88) 0.72 26.20
Lowest priced
Generic (n=21)
2.26 (1.15 – 3.60) 0.20 7.02
Procurement prices in public sector
Procurement price data was available for 14 surveyed medicines (all as generics and
2 also as IB) and as a total 19 price data point from the two provincial medical
stores. The median MPRs calculated for two innovator brand medicines was 2.24 i.e.
MPR = 3.51 for captopril and MPR = 0.96 for metformin. It was a unexpected to find
procurement prices for brand products at government medical stores as public health
facilities visited only stocked generic equivalents. The MPR for generic medicines
ranged from 0.24 to 1.04 with a median MPR of 0.57. The 75% interquartile range
showed that 75% of generic medicines procured had an MPR of 0.74 or less when
compared to MSH 2003 prices, providing evidence of efficient procurement practices
achieving low procurement prices  compared to existing international procurement
prices.  Procurement prices for lowest priced generics were on average 4.8 times
(median 4) less than prices of LPGs in retail pharmacies. This difference indicates the
possibility of getting substantial discounts on bulk procurement or it might be due to
different generics being procured in the public sector. 
However, the low number of price data available at provincial medical stores levels
shows again the problem of very limited access to essential medicines in the public
sector.  Limited procurement may be due to insufficient funds and/or inefficient
allocation of funds for essential medicines at provincial level.  
Patient Prices in public sector
Patients usually pay only a consultation fee and do not directly pay for medicines
dispensed to them in government health facilities.  Therefore no data was available
for this analysis as only availability data was collected in public sector health
facilities.  Due to low availability of essential medicines most patients would need to
purchase their medicines in a retail pharmacy after consultation at the public health
14Table 5.  Individual Medicine Price ratios for surveyed medicines in public
(procurement only) and private sector
Public Procurement
MPR (n=2)
Private Retail Pharmacy MPR
of IB
Aciclovir 200mg tab 0.43 11.94 1.71 14%
Amitriptyline 25mg tab - 0.70 2.04 -
Amoxicillin 250mg tab/cap - - 2.98 2.87 96%
Atenolol 50mg tab - 0.80 10.79 4.06 38%
Beclometasone inhaler
- - 0.95 -
Captopril 25mg tab 3.51 0.31 4.16 2.76 66%
Carbamazepine 200mg tab - 0.63 2.36 1.57 67%
Ceftriaxone 1g injection - 0.24 3.09 0.97 31%
Ciprofloxacin 500mg tab - 1.04 26.20 7.02 27%
Co-trimoxazole 8+40mg
- 0.45 1.84 1.15 63%
Diazepam 5mg tab - 0.25 3.31 2.83 86%
Diclofenac 25mg tab - - 15.23 5.67 37%
Fluconazole 200mg tab - - - -
Fluoxetine 20mg cap/tab - - 21.18 4.48 21%
Fluphenazine 25mg/ml
- 0.71 3.36 2.51 75%
Glibenclamide 5mg tab - 0.75 5.91 3.60 61%
Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg tab - - - -
Indinavir 400mg cap - - - -
Losartan 50mg tab - - 0.90 0.20 22%
Lovastatin 20mg tab - - 3.65 1.56 43%
Metformin 500mg tab 0.96 0.37 1.21 1.03 86%
Nevirapine 200mg tab - - - -
Nifedipine Retard 20mg tab - - 3.78 -
Omeprazole 20mg cap - - 4.14 0.84 20%
Phenytoin 100mg tab - - - 1.33
Ranitidine 150mg tab - 0.51 5.84 4.45 76%
Salbutamol 100mcg/dose
- - 0.72 0.72 100%
25+500mg tab
- 0.80 2.50 2.26 91%
Zidovudine 100mg cap - - - -
IB = innovator brand,  LPG = lowest priced generic, # = median MPR was calculated only, if
price was collected in minimum 4 retail pharmacies
Private sector retail prices
Overall median price ratios for surveyed medicines to the MSH 2003 reference prices
varied between 0.20  to 26.20  i.e. the prices of the medicines to a patient in
Pakistan varied between 5 times less  to 26 times more the price listed by the MSH
(a bulk procurement price). Brand products MPRs showed a great variation between
0.72 to 26.2 while the MPR for generic versions of surveyed medicines varied
15between 0.2 and 7.02.   In general, medicine prices were about 2-3 times more than
the MSH bulk procurement reference price (Table 4). This price range for retail prices
on overall does not appear to be excessive, however some medicines had very high
prices both as innovator brand and/or as generic products.  If we use the cut off
point of MPR ≥ 2.5 as to determine excessive prices then 16 out of the 23 innovator
brand products (70%) and 10 out of the lowest priced generics (48%) fell into this
category of excessively priced medicines (Figure 3). 
Figure 3.  Individual MPRs of surveyed medicines in retail pharmacies
Salbutamol inhaler
Beclometasone inhaler
Co-trimoxazole suspension
Amitriptyl ine
Sulfadoxi ne-pyrimethami ne
Ceftriaxone injection
Fluphenazine injection
Nifedipine Retard
Ciprofl oxacin
Innovator brand
Lowest price generic
Individual medicine price comparisons
Medicine-specific MPRs can be found in Table 5. Interesting observations include: 
• The top five innovator brand products with the highest MPR included
ciprofloxacin 26.2, fluoxetine 21.2, diclofenac 15.2, aciclovir 11.9  and  atenolol
10.8 and for the lowest priced generics the top highest MPRs were found for
ciprofloxacin 7,  diclofenac 5.7, fluoxetine  4.5, ranitidine 4.4 and atenolol 4.1. 
• Interestingly the two asthma inhaler products and losartan had very low MPR
i.e. MPR ≤1 which means that retail price for these three products were same
or lower than the median bulk procurement price (MSH supplier price) usually
offered to public sector in developing countries.  It appears that local
pharmaceutical industry is able to bring these products to the market at a very
competitive price.  
• Other products available at a reasonable price in the private pharmacies (MPR
≤ 2.5)  included amitriptyline, carbamazepine, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine as
16innovator brand products and omeprazole, ceftriaxone injection, phenytoin,
lovastatin, carbamazepine, acyclovir, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine.  
3. Brand premiums in the private sector 
For those medicines available both as innovator brand and a generic equivalent in
private pharmacies (n=20), the price of the LPG was expressed as a percentage of
the brand price ([generic price/brand price] x 100) (see Table 5). The median was
62% (IQR 30 – 79%) i.e. on average, the cost of a generic equivalent was 62% that
of its innovator brand product (Table 5). 
When the brand premium, i.e. what would be the extra price to pay for IB above the
median generic prices as percentage, was calculated as brand premium = [(brand
median price – generic median price) / generic median price] x100 we found that
median brand premium awarded to innovator brand products was 62% with IQR
28% - 232%. There were extensive variations in brand premiums between no
difference in price in case of brand and generic salbutamol inhaler to 600% brand
premium awarded for aciclovir tablet.  Since majority of these prices followed the
maximum retail price set by the Price Review Committee these trends reflects the
official price control practices in Pakistan.
Figure 4. Brand premiums (%) of innovator brand products compared to
lowest price generic equivalent 
Salbutamol inhaler
Fluphenazine injection
Co-trimoxazole suspension
Ceftriaxone injection
Generic medicines are usually expected to be sold at much lower prices as the
manufacturer do not have to cover the same research and development costs as
innovator brand medicines. In the United States of America (USA), first entry
generics are usually at 70-80% of the innovator’s price, while the entry of more
17generic products lowers this to around 40% or less, depending on the number of
competing products
. Pakistan has a substantial domestic manufacturing industry
and a large domestic market that should encourage local generic competition.
Majority of marketed innovator brand and generic pharmaceuticals in Pakistan are
manufactured locally using imported raw materials by subsidiaries of multinational or
local generic manufacturing companies. 
While the price controls imposed the Drug Controllers Office has successfully lowered
prices by setting maximum wholesale/ retail prices for some innovator brand and for
nearly half of the generic products surveyed there is still room for improvement to
make medicines more affordable in Pakistan. For example, in cases of medicines
when the MPRs are high i.e. prices are significantly above international reference
prices and in addition a very high brand premium is awarded to innovator brand like
in case of ciprofloxacin, fluoxetine, diclofenac and atenolol lowering both innovator
brand and generic prices, considering the competitive ability of local industry to
produce low cost medicines, should be possible.  In these examples price controls
may keep prices of these medicines artificially high not taking advantage of the
potentially beneficial effect of existing market competition. The Price Review
Committee should regularly review both brand and generic prices especially when
more than five generic equivalents exist in the market because evidence from other
countries shows that decreases in both brand and generic prices over time usually
occur when more than five competitor products from different sources exist due
competition for the market between the different manufacturers.  
Since both the public and the prescribers seemed to have a tendency for favouring
brand products as shown by generally higher availability of brand products in retail
pharmacies interventions, other than price adjustment, are also needed to create
higher demand for low cost generics and to improve access to medicines, i.e.
• Promotion of generic prescribing by physicians and generic substitution by
• Ensuring the quality of all marketed generic products by the relevant
authorities to build trust in generic medicines on part of prescribers and
• Educating the public about availability of safe, effective low cost generic
4. The affordability of standard treatment regimens
The affordability of standard treatments using the survey medicines, when patients
have to purchase their medicines from private retail pharmacies, was calculated
based on the salary of the lowest paid government worker in Pakistan in 2004, i.e.
1870 Pakistani Rupees/month. The standard treatments and the results of the
Congressional Budget Office. How Increased Competition from Generic Drugs Has Affected Prices
and Returns in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Chapter 3: Pricing and Competition in the Pharmaceutical
Market. July 1998.
FTA Task Force on Pharmaceutical Prices (1999) Study 6: Prices Of Generic-To-Brand Name
Prescription Drugs In Five Provincial Drug Plans 1990-1997. Federal/Provincial/Territorial Task
Force on Pharmaceutical Prices April, 1999.
18affordability calculations are shown in Table 6.  Since patients do not pay for
medicines in the public sector affordability was not calculated using procurement
prices because those prices would not be available to patients.
Table 6.  Affordability of standard treatments purchased in private retail
pharmacies by lowest paid unskilled government worker
IB = innovator brand, LPG = lowest price generic
On average the cost of standard treatment regimens in daily wages was 2.9 day’s
wage (median) (IQR 1.4 - 8.4) if using innovator brands and 1.5 day’s wages (IQR 1-
4) if using lowest price generic equivalents. The most affordable standard treatments
were those for treating acute conditions like respiratory infections and sexually
transmitted diseases, costing one day’s wage or less, while medicines for chronic
treatment of  depression using innovator brand fluoxetine cost as much as 36.4 day’s
If we assume that spending more than two day’s of wages (>7% of monthly salary)
on one treatment for one person would place a heavy financial burden on a
person/family earning the salary of the lowest paid unskilled government worker,
then we can see that using the innovator brands for treatment of hypertension
(captopril, atenolol), arthritis (diclofenac), depression (fluoxetine), hyperlidideamia
(lovastatin) and ulcer (omeprazole, ranitidine) is clearly not affordable on this wage.
Even if one would purchase only the generic equivalents, the chronic treatment of
depression with fluoxetine, hyperlipidemia with lovastatin, hypertension with
captopril and ulcer with ranitidine or omeprazole will still remain unaffordable for a
person/family who receives this wage as their main income. 
It is important to note that the poverty threshold line for 2004-2005 in Pakistan was
Pak Rs 878.6/month/adult (World Bank data) i.e. less than half of the monthly wage
Disease condition and ‘standard’ drug treatment
Day’s wages to pay for
Condition Drug name Dosage and duration IB LPG
Arthritis Diclofenac  25mg twice daily x 30 days 4.5 1.7
Asthma Salbutamol inhaler  As needed x 1 pack 1.4 1.4
Depression Amitriptyline  25mg three times daily x 30 days 1.4 -
Depression Fluoxetine 20mg twice daily x 30 days 36.4 7.7
Diabetes Glibenclamide  5mg twice daily x 30 days 1.4 0.9
Gonorrhoea Ciprofloxacin  500mg single dose 0.8 0.2
Hypertension Atenolol  50mg daily x 30 days 2.9 1.1
Hypertension Captopril 25mg daily x 30 days 3.2 2.1
Hyper-lipidemia Lovastatin 20mg daily x 30 days 10.5 4.5
 (adult) Amoxicillin  250mg three times daily x 7 days 1.0 1.0
 (child) Co-trimoxazole susp 5mL twice daily x 7 days 0.4 0.3
Ulcer (peptic) Ranitidine  150mg twice daily x 30 days 8.5 6.5
Ulcer ( duodenal) Omeprazole 20mg daily x 30 days 23.7 4.8
19used for the affordability calculations above. Considering the reality that most of
these drugs are never or hardly ever available in government health facilities and
approx. 30% of the population lives below and a substantial proportion near to the
poverty line, especially in the rural areas, we can conclude that basic essential
treatments for these selected chronic diseases would be completely out of reach of
many millions of people in Pakistan.  For those areas where pockets of extreme
poverty still exist even medicines for the treatment of short term acute illnesses can
be unaffordable to purchase from retail pharmacies. 
Affordability of innovator brand-based treatments in Pakistan is comparable to other
countries though it is noticeable that in neighboring India selected treatment cost is
considerably more affordable for most of the diseases.  Although Pakistan has a
smaller but similarly competitive local manufacturing capability as India one would
expect similarly competitive prices. Differences may point again in difference in the
way of setting of controlled prices by the Price Review Committee of the Drug
Controllers office, not only economic differences in salary levels. 
Table 7. Comparison of affordability, using innovator brand medicines from
private retail pharmacies for common treatments in different countries
Affordability (No. of days’ wages required)
Condition (drug)
Country and survey date
1.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.3 4.4 - -
Asthma, (salbutamol
1.4 0.6 0.6 0.5 - 2.6 1.1 2.1
1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 0.9 6.4 4.6 1.9
0.8 ≤0.1 <0.1 0.1 0.6 0.9 0.5 0.1
2.9 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.8 3.8 - -
Ulcer, peptic
8.5 0.3 0.2 0.2 - 7.9 6.4 5.5
5. Comparison of medicines prices in Pakistan to other countries
A few countries and medicines were selected for international comparisons of
medicines price ratios found in this survey in Pakistan (see Table 8.) using the data
available on the website of Health Action International. Further details of the surveys
can be found on the HAI website.  Since patient prices were not applicable for the
public sector in Pakistan this comparison is focused on retail pharmacy prices for
innovator brand and lowest price generic products.  
Median price ratios for innovator brands of the eleven sample medicines (amoxicillin,
atenolol, captopril, ceftriaxone injection, ciprofloxacin,cotrimoxazole, fluoxetine,
20lovastatin, omeprazole, ranitidine and salbutamol) in Pakistan were comparable to
those in India and generally were lower compared other Asian and Middle-East
Table 8. International comparison of prices paid by patients (expressed as
median price ratio) in retail pharmacies in Pakistan and other Asian and
Middle Eastern countries
Medicine Strength

Malaysia 2004
Amoxicillin 250 mg cap/tab IB 2.98 4.6 15.22 26.39 20.13
Amoxicillin 250 mg cap/tab LPG 2.87 5.3 5.43 2.31 10.74 4.57 16.65
Atenolol 50 mg cap/tab IB 10.79 5.45 5.59 75.07 45.75 33.98
Atenolol 50 mg cap/tab LPG 4.06 4.58 4.75 20.44 18.39 9.57
Captopril 25 mg cap/tab IB 4.16 22.78 12.38 14.54 16.51
Captopril 25 mg cap/tab LPG 2.76 2.93 1.71 8.24 7.44 13.12
Ceftriaxone 1 g/vial injection IB 3.07 13.02 10.69 11.4
Ceftriaxone 1 g/vial injection LPG 0.97 0.64 0.62 1.49 6.81 7.13
Ciprofloxacin 500 mg cap/tab IB 26.2 4.53 4.45 90.08 100.32 111.63 130.36
Ciprofloxacin 500 mg cap/tab LPG 7.02 2.67 6.06 7.78 22.06 16.46 82.76
8+40 mg/
IB 1.84 1.21 1.23 43.81 15.06 8.65
8+40 mg/
LPG 1.15 1.23 1.23 2.27 4.66 5.77
Diclofenac 25 mg cap/tab IB 15.23 59.09 63.52 30.8 26.23
Diclofenac 25 mg cap/tab LPG 5.67 6.99 28.72 10.27 18.38
Fluoxetine 20 mg cap/tab IB 21.8 54.1 51.61 62.99 58.56
Fluoxetine 20 mg cap/tab LPG 4.48 2.17 2.17 18.98 20.56 23.48
Lovastatin 20 mg cap/tab IB 3.65
Lovastatin 20 mg cap/tab LPG 1.56 1.26 8.16 3.19
Omeprazole 20 mg cap/tab IB 4.14 0.46 9.48 14.27 10.56 12.78
Omeprazole 20 mg cap/tab LPG 0.84 0.48 0.4 1.73 5.56 2.54 2.82
Ranitidine 150 mg cap/tab IB 5.84 0.46 0.49 25.89 24.29 21.03 34.1
Ranitidine 150 mg cap/tab LPG 4.45 0.46 0.49 3.43 13.12 8.41 12.37
inhaler IB 0.72 0.87 0.93 4.99 2.6 2.7 3.27
inhaler LPG 0.72 0.88 0.89 1.1 1.48 2.92
IB = innovator brand, LPG = lowest price generic
Prices of innovator brand atenolol, ciprofloxacin, omeprazole and ranitidine were
several fold higher in Pakistan compared to India (Maharashtra, West Bengal),
though it is likely that in both countries the innovator brand is produced locally. The
same observation was made in case of lowest price generic ciprofloxacin, ranitidine
21and fluoxetine where generic prices were significantly higher in Pakistan compared to
India.  The wide disparity between prices compared to India (some similar some very
much higher in Pakistan) raises the question of how prices are set by the Drug
Controller’s office and whether revision of  certain medicine prices would be possible
and could make medicines more affordable in Pakistan.  
Only the lowest price generic amoxicillin, captopril and ranitidine were cheaper in
Indonesia compared to Pakistan, but in all other cases the medicine price ratios were
higher and often substantially higher in the other Asian and Middle-Eastern countries
compared to Pakistan. 
Although in this international comparisons medicine prices appeared to be second
lowest after India, the above described affordability comparison shows that they are
still unaffordable to a very significant proportion of the population in Pakistan (Table
7. above).  Bearing in mind the very poor availability of essential medicines in the
public sector this translates into very limited or no access to medicines by the poor. 
The assessments above demonstrate how the results of these surveys can be used
for international medicine price comparisons. Further more in-depth analysis,
considering additional factors like size of the markets, capabilities the national
pharmaceutical manufacturing sector, the effect of taxes, duties and mark-ups at
national and local level and economic indicators could reveal the reasons for
variation between different countries. Such information can be useful for
policymakers and governments for decision on whether any appropriate interventions
can be made to make medicines more affordable and accessible in each country.
Further studies and comparisons between high and low-income countries can also
provide an evidence base for equity or differential pricing strategies by multinational
manufacturers according to which less wealthy populations should pay less than
wealthier countries for essential medicines. 
6. Price composition of medicine prices
To gain an insight into what factors influence medicine prices in Pakistan several
interviews were conducted with the followings:
• Representatives of the Ministry of Health, 
• Representative of the Network for Consumer protection (non-governmental
• Local representatives of multinational companies 
• An independent tax attorney, who explained the Pakistani tax code, 
• A pharmaceutical importer and a general importer who provide information
on importation policy.   
The law regarding pricing of pharmaceuticals 
The Drugs Act of 1976 which is the law to regulate the import, export, manufacture,
storage, distribution and sale of drugs in Pakistan gives the power to the federal
government to regulate prices, i.e. according to Chapter II. Section 12:
“12. Power to fix maximum prices of drug, etc.: (1)
The Federal Government may, by notification in the official Gazette,--
22a) fix the maximum price at which any drug specified in the notification is to be sold;
b) specify a certain percentage of the profits of manufacturers of drugs which shall be
utilised, in accordance with the rules for purposes of research in drugs.
(2) For the purpose of the exercise of its powers under sub-section (1), the Federal
Government may require a manufacturer, stockist, importer, exporter, retailer or
other dealer in drugs to furnish such relevant information as may be necessary.
(3) The Federal Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, delegate any
of its powers under this any Board or other authority.” 
According to section 10 of the same Chapter the Price Review Committee is
responsible for setting prices of medicines. The composition of this committee
(1) Director General HealthEx-Officio Chairman
(2) Cost Accountant Ex-Officio Member
(3) Drug Controller Ex-Officio Member
(4) Representative of PPMA Member
(5) Representative of Pharma Bureau Member
Price components 
The following taxes, duties and exemptions apply to pharmaceuticals in finished
dosage form:
Imported medicines:
• Full import tariff exemptions are provided to UNICEF, and on AIDS medicines
when brought in by a donor program. 
• Accurate data on the importer’s markup could not be found; medicine prices
in Pakistan are set using a formula that allocates 6% for the importer’s
markup, but this was not confirmed.
• Retail markup for imported medicines is 15%.
Locally manufactured medicines
• Research fund tax: Every pharmaceutical manufacturer is suppose to
contribute 1% of his gross profit, before deduction of income tax, towards a
Central Research Fund maintained by the Federal Government. An Expert
Committee is responsible for fund allocation to individuals and/ or Institutions,
which are engaged in research in the field of pharmacy and medicine
• By law, wholesalers can mark up goods by maximum 2% of the final price.
This amount derives from a pricing formula established in 1993 by the pricing
unit of the Ministry of Health and applied to 821 “controlled” substances.  
• The retail markup for locally produced medicines is 15% of the final price.
All regulated maximum retail price must be printed on each medicine box.  However,
when medicines are bulk packaged for example 50 strips of 10 tab/foil strip, the
controlled price is printed only on the main carton not on the individual strips,
therefore patient will usually not see the maximum retail price. Packs can also be
split up, and informants reported that single generic tablets can be sold at similar
prices as innovator brand product prices. 
237. Compliance with pricing regulations
The Ministry of Health has inspectors visiting various licensed pharmaceutical outlets,
wholesaler and manufacturers and these inspectors as part of their job supposed to
check adherence to price regulations along the supply chain.  The capacity of these
inspectors to comprehensively monitor prices and adherence to officially set prices is
limited and no official data exist on levels of adherence.  There is little known about
adherence by unlicensed drug seller at bazaars or markets to regulated prices and by
dispensing doctors who charge a global consultation fee without providing a
breakdown of medicine prices to patients.
Regulated prices are published annually in the Pharmaguide, a pharmaceutical
industry supported publication. Using price data from this source we examined
compliance with official prices for selected innovator brand products by comparing
median unit price found to published unit price for innovator brand products that
were present at least in four pharmacies (n=20).
For most medicines the median unit price found was identical to the published unit
price, only in three cases co-trimoxazole suspension, diclofenac and nifedipine retard
we found that the median unit price was 35%, 50% and 17% higher than published
price, respectively. The reasons for these deviations from controlled prices are
unclear.  Further investigations and more regular monitoring of prices that patients
pay would be needed to determine the rate of deviation form officially regulated
Table 11.  Rate of violations of maximum retail prices for selected products
No. of  private
with brand
No. of pharmacies
selling brand product
above maximum retail
% of pharmacies
selling above
maximum retail
co-trimoxazole susp.
as Bactrim (Roche)
16 9 33%
diazepam as Valium
31 12 39%
nifedipine retard as
Adalat Retd (Bayer
28 28 100%
24Summary and Conclusions
The Network for Consumer Protection has carried out a nation-wide study to
measure the prices of medicines in Pakistan using an international standardized
methodology. Data on prices for 29 medicines were collected in the public and
private for-profit sector in the capital in four provinces Punjab, Sindh, North West
Frontier Province (NWFP) and Balochistan and the federal capital of Islamabad.
Though dispensing physician are an important point of access to medicines to many
in the private sector they were not included in this survey as there is no clear
information on how and what they charge for medicines in their consultation fees.
The availability of the surveyed medicines was also measured in all facilities visited.
The cost of treatment was calculated for thirteen medicines and compared to the
daily wage of the lowest paid government worker. In addition, we also identified the
different components contributing to the full medicine price.
The results showed that in Pakistan, where 30% of the population live on less than a
US dollar a day, the prices of medicines are unaffordable in the private sector for the
poor, making essential medicines inaccessible for nearly 50 million people. Though
prices may be affordable to people in middle and higher income segments of society
the gap in inequity is large and access to medicines is very poor in the public sector
where indigents could receive medicine free if they would be available.  Most
essential drugs were rarely available in the public sector, demonstrated by the
extremely low 3.3% median availability of the surveyed 29 medicines in government
health facilities.  
Private sector prices though compared to other developing countries are relatively
low but are considerably higher then in several states in India, the direct neighbour
of Pakistan with comparable economic, pharmaceutical industry characteristics.
Private sector pharmacies tend to stock innovator brand products more commonly
then generic equivalents.  Affordability, using the lowest-paid government worker’s
capacity to pay for standard treatment in private retail pharmacies was limited for
certain conditions.  To make basic essential medicines more affordable for the poor it
would be important to reduce prices of certain essential medicines or use methods
that would facilitate the purchase of these medicines at a lower cost (e.g. at
manufacturer’s selling price) by the poor and reimbursing or rewarding pharmacies in
a way that would motivate them to provide these low cost medicines.  
Adherence to controlled maximum retail prices was high in pharmacies visited,
though some cases of overpricing above the maximum regulated prices were
detected.  There is little known about adherence to controlled medicines prices by
dispensing doctors and by informal sellers in markets or bazaars. Since many
patients will purchase their medicines from these sources they should be regularly
monitored to check whether medicines are not sold above the regulated maximum
The following recommendations are made based on conclusions and observations
made form the findings of this study
1. Interventions are urgently needed to improve access to essential medicines in the
public sector, especially for the poorest who cannot afford access to basic
treatments through the private sector. These efforts to reduce inequity in access
to medicines may include:
o Increase transparency and efficiency of procurement procedures by focusing
purchasing of products based on Essential Drug List recommendations and
setting clear priorities for improving access to medicines.
o Review procurement methods and build capacity of staff at critical
management levels to better manage drug supplies and related logistics
o Strengthen distribution systems to achieve better availability of essential
medicines at primary health care level (RHC, BHU).
o Maximize purchasing power of available funds by pooling (large scale bulk
procurements) procurement of basic essential drugs at district, provincial
and federal government level, whenever possible. 
o Increase budget allocation for procurement of medicines.
o Consider innovative financing mechanisms to improve funding of essential
medicines in public sector (public-private partnerships, social or community
based health insurance etc.).
2. Improve affordability of and access to medicines in the private sector by
o Creating further incentives for production and sales of good quality locally
produced medicines.
o Creating incentives to operate more medicine outlets adhering to national
standards (i.e. selling registered products at controlled prices, etc.) in rural
areas to improve physical access to good quality and affordable medicines.
o Consider innovative financing mechanisms that can support the sale of a
small group of essential medicines (used for treatment of most common
diseases) at manufacturer’s cost price in private retail pharmacies or use
other methods that can increase access to these basic essential medicines
by the poor.
3. Regulations, laws and policies related to access to medicines should be reviewed
or introduced as needed including:
o Medicines pricing policies and individual medicines prices (where evidence of
excessive prices for IB, LPG exists) should be regularly reviewed.  
26o Monitoring of adherence to maximum retail prices and trends of price
changes should be conducted.
o Drug promotion practices should be reviewed and regulated to improve
access to unbiased and appropriate information about different medicines
and treatments both for the public and health professional.  Medicine pricing
practices of dispensing physicians should be assessed to create more
transparency about prices charged by dispensing doctors in a separate
study. Review of regulations to deal with any unethical practices may be
o Generic prescribing and substitution should be allowed and promoted.
o Drug regulatory authority functions should be strengthened to ensure quality
of all marketed medicines and regular monitoring of manufacturers,
importers to maintain quality standards. 
4. Education of public and health professionals is needed about:
o Acceptability of good quality generics instead of higher priced innovator
brands. This is necessary in order to build trust and create demand for low
cost alternatives. 
o Medicine prices information, which should be more widely and regularly
disseminated to both public and health professionals to facilitate informed
decision making about prescribing and purchase of medicines in retail
o Rational treatment choices and evidence-based treatment options. Clinical
guidelines, formularies and independent and unbiased continuing education
of health professionals can be used to improve rational used of drugs.
5. Establish a nation-wide system to regularly monitor medicine prices
, make them
public and initiate legal action against those selling at higher than the approved
 Pilot testing of a simple method for monitoring medicine prices has been started by The Network for
Consumer Protection  in August 2006. 
27Appendix 1. National Pharmaceutical Sector form of
Date:  August 2006 
Population: 158 million
Daily wage of lowest paid government worker:  1870 Pakistani Rupees/month in 2004
Rate of exchange (commercial “buy” rate) to US dollars on the 
first day of data collection: 60 PKR = 1 USD
Sources of information:
Ministry of Health 
28General information on the pharmaceutical sector
Is there a formal National Medicines Policy document covering 
both the public and private sectors? Yes   No
Is an Essential Medicines List (EML) available?   Yes   No
If yes, state total number of medicines on national EML: 452
If yes, year of last revision: 2003
If yes, is it (tick all that apply):
 Regional
 Public sector only
Both public and private sectors – in theory but not in practice
 Other (please specify):
If yes, is the EML being used (tick all that apply):
  For registration of medicines nationally
Public sector procurement only
 Insurance and/or reimbursement schemes
 Private sector
 Public sector
Is there a policy for generic prescribing or substitution?  Yes  No
Are there incentives for generic prescribing or substitution? Yes  No
Public procurement
Is procurement in the public sector limited to a selection of 
essential medicines?   Yes  No
If no, please specify if any other limitation is in force:
Type of public sector procurement (tick all that apply):
 International, competitive tender
 Open
 Closed (restricted)
National, competitive tender
 Open
Closed (restricted)
Negotiation/direct purchasing
Are the products purchased all registered?  Yes  No
Is there a local preference?
18  Yes  No
17 If there is a public procurement system, there is usually a limited list of items that can be procured. Products procured on international tenders are sometimes registered in the recipient country
only by generic names. Import permits to named suppliers are issued based on the approved list of tender awards. An open tender is one that is publicly announced; a closed one is sent to a
selection of approved suppliers.  
18 A local preference means that local companies will be preferred even if their prices are not the cheapest. Local preference is normally in the range of 10–20%.
29Are there public health programmes fully implemented by donor   Yes  No
assistance which also provide medicines?
(e.g. TB, family planning, etc.)
If yes, please specify:
Bilateral partners support different programmes: the German Technical Cooperation
(GTZ) supports tuberculosis control, human resource (HR) development and health
structure reform; the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) supports
tuberculosis control; the United Kingdom Department for International Development
(DFID) supports the National Health Facility (NHF) initiative, reproductive health, primary
health care and consumer protection; the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID) contributes to NHF, communicable disease control, reproductive
and maternal health; Health Management Information System, and maternal and child
activities through UNICEF. The Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)
and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) are also important partners.
Multilateral assistance in women's health and reproductive health is provided by the Asian
Development Bank; the World Bank supports maternal and child health through the LHWs
programme, HIV/AIDS and public health surveillance.
Other financial and technical partners contributing to maternal and reproductive health
include the Aga Khan Foundation, the European Commission (EC) and Save the Children
USA. The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI) and the Global Fund to
fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) contribute to communicable disease
control. United Nations (UN) agencies such as FAO, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNFPA and WFP
also work in the health sector.
Coordination of work between partners was demonstrated during the response to the
earthquake disaster; WHO led the health cluster in emergency relief activities.
Source: The Country Cooperation Strategy briefs, WHO/CCO/06.04/Pakistan;  World
Health Organization 2006,
Is there a public sector distribution centre/warehouse?   Yes  No
If yes, specify levels: provincial, federal
Are there private not-for-profit distribution centres:  Yes  No
e.g. missions/nongovernmental organizations?
If yes, please specify:
Number of licensed wholesalers:    
Urban Rural Overall
Number of inhabitants per pharmacy (approx.)
Number of inhabitants per qualified pharmacist
Number of pharmacies with qualified pharmacists
Number of medicine outlets with pharmacy
19 The public sector often has a central storage and distribution centre which may have at least one sublevel. The private not-for-profit sector may be dominated by one type of NGO (e.g. church
missions), but may also comprise others such as Bamako Initiative type projects, Red Cross or Red Crescent Society, Médecins Sans Frontières.
Number of other licensed medicine outlets
Private sector
Are there independent pharmacies?    Yes  No Number:
Are there chain pharmacies?  Yes   No Number:
Do doctors dispense medicines?
21  Yes  No
If yes, approximate coverage or % of doctors who dispense:  80- 90%
Are there pharmacies or medicine outlets in health facilities?   Yes  No
(Give approximate figures, converted to US dollars at current exchange rate: commercial
“buy” rate on the first day of data collection)
Type of expenditure Approximate annual budget
(US dollars)*
National public expenditure on medicines including
government insurance, military, local purchases in
past year
Estimated total private medicine expenditure in past
year (out of pocket, private insurance,
Total value of international medicine aid or
donations in past year
What percentage of medicines by value are imported?  50 %
* See WHO statisticson next page from
Total expenditure on health as percentage of gross domestic product (?)  2.4 (2003) 
General government expenditure on health as percentage of total expenditure on health (?)  27.7 (2003) 
Private expenditure on health as percentage of total expenditure on health (?)  72.3 (2003) 
General government expenditure on health as percentage of total government expenditure (?) 2.6 (2003) 
External resources for health as percentage of total expenditure on health (?)  2.5 (2003) 
Social security expenditure on health as percentage of general government expenditure on health (?)  53.3 (2003) 
Out-of-pocket expenditure as percentage of private expenditure on health (?)  98.00 (2003) 
Private prepaid plans as percentage of private expenditure on health (?)  n/a (1998) 
Per capita total expenditure on health at average exchange rate (US$) (?)  13 (2003) 
Per capita total expenditure on health at international dollar rate (?)  48 (2003) 
Per capita government expenditure on health at average exchange rate (US$) (?)  4 (2003) 
Per capita government expenditure on health at international dollar rate (?)  13 (2003)
Government price policy
Is there a medicines regulatory authority?   Yes  No
Is pricing regulated?   Yes  No
Is setting prices part of market authorization/registration?   Yes  No  
Do registration fees differ between:
20 Retail outlets may be called pharmacies, medicine outlets, drug stores, chemists, etc. They may be run/owned by a qualified pharmacist (with diploma) or
another category: e.g. pharmacy technician, or a lay person with short training.
21 Many countries allow doctors to dispense and sell medicines.
31 Innovator brand and generic equivalents  Yes  No
 Imported and locally produced medicines  Yes  No 
Public sector
Are there margins (mark-ups) in the distribution chain?   Yes   No
 Central medical stores %
 Regional store  %
 Other store (specify)  %
 Public medicine outlet %
Are there any other fees or levies?   Yes   No
If yes, please describe: 
Private retail sector
Are there maximum profit margins?    Yes  No  
If yes (if they vary, give maximum and minimum):
 Wholesale 2 %
 Retail  15 %
Is there a maximum retail price (sales price)?    Yes  No
(If it varies, give maximum and minimum)
 Maximum: 
 Minimum:
Do patients pay professional fees (e.g. dispensing fee)?   Yes   No
If yes, please describe:
“Other” sector
Are there maximum profit margins?   Yes  No
If yes (if they vary, give maximum and minimum):
 Wholesale %
 Retail  %
Is there a maximum sales price?   Yes  No 
Insurance, risk-sharing or prepayment schemes
Are there any health insurance, risk-sharing or  Yes  No
prepayment schemes or revolving medicine funds?
If yes, please describe:
Are all medicines covered?   Yes  No
If no, state which medicines are covered (e.g. EML, public health programmes): 
Are some patients / groups of patients exempted, regardless 
of insurance coverage? (e.g. children < X yrs, war veterans)   Yes  No
32If yes, please specify:
Estimated percentage of population covered  %
Is it official policy to supply all medicines free at primary 
health care level?   Yes  No   in public sector only 
If no, are some free?   Yes  No
If yes, tick all that apply:
θ Tuberculosis 
θ Malaria 
θ Oral rehydration salts 
θ Family planning 
θ Others, please specify:
Are there official user charges/patient co-payments/fees?  Yes  No
Are all medicines supplied free at hospitals?  Yes  No 
If no, are some free?   Yes  No
If yes, please specify:

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